Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Presidential Election

My goodness. I don't believe the outcome. I keep expecting to wake up and find that it isn't true. It isn't that I am a McCain/Palin supporter. Trust me. I could have supported Senator McCain until I heard Governor Palin. Then his deficits of character (kowtowing to Jerry Falwell) were compounded by hers. I read about her comments about Obama during the over-long primary campaign. Then the code words and phrases started being used... So Governor Palin, since she would not consider me a true American, would never get my support.

I did not support Senator Obama at first. I was a Clinton supporter until I watched the first Democratic Debate. On looking further into the Tony Reszko matter, I decided Senator Clinton went too far. Still I could have supported her, had she won the nomination...until she made that comment about the hard working white Americans and the other one about staying in the race because of the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy. I began to see her in a different and unflattering light.

I considered sitting out the campaign.

Listening to Obama, helped me decide to donate to his campaign. I have to point out that I've never contributed to a campaign before. I do not care for Oprah Winfrey, but I had to agree that Obama was worthy.

So it's done. Whatever else Republicans called him, like socialist, terrorist, anti-christ...they can now call him Mr. President. There is a certain amount of satisfaction there.

Of course the Reverend Wright wasn't helpful. But on closer inspection, he seemed to be a petty self-serving fool. A little more benign than Joe the Plumber, whose sudden celebrity seems suspect to me. Joe (Sam, whatever) doesn't seem to tap dance as well as Sammy Davis or even Fred Astair. I guess he's more " Joe Six-Pack" than "Johnny Smooth".

There is a lot of work to do. I want to do whatever I can to help. I love my country and I'm proud to be an American, but then I've always been happy that I was born here. Just thought that I should have been born in the 22nd century rather than the 20th. But that's Star Trek nonsense speaking. The fact is that in order to achieve the fantasy well ordered "crime free" "just" "Free-from-want" "poverty-free" society of the 22nd century, there must be a beginning. So let's get started. You say all that is impossible? Before today I would have said a Black President of the United States of America was impossible too. And I was wrong.

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