Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Still the Pits but Angels exist on earth

I've got a part-time job that pays minimum wage. I haven't worked for minimum wage since just after high-school. This pays maybe two bills. Better than nothing you say. And you'd be correct. There is nothing worse than not having a job and having to rely on the saintliness of relatives and great friends. People who can ill afford to help me, but who do so out of the kindness of their hearts. I pray that I can repay them.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Can we say Nadir?

I knew we could. I writing a poem this time. I don't dislike poetry, in fact I sometimes appreciate it. Sometimes.

In the beginning we Aspire.
At the end we Suspire.
Before Unknowing.
After Unknown.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Oh Joy Almost April

It's almost April. Why is that good? Well, soon I'll be able to turn off the heat which is prohibitively expensive. For most of the winter I've kept the temperature around 61 degrees. It's cold in here. In fact I'm sitting in front of a space heater now. My sharper image gadget clock tells me the temp is 60. Too bad about Sharper Image and a lot of other stores. Too bad about my job.

I'm out of work like lots of other people. And almost out of savings. I took a chance and quit a job I hated at a company where my coworker poured salt in my coffee creamer. My boss them made that person my supervisor after saying that such juvenile actions warranted immediate termination. Uh huh.

Anyway I had a second job with people I knew and liked. Unfortunately, that company fell pretty flat and I was laid off. I've never applied for unemployment because I didn't think I qualified. Besides I think I was too proud. Kept thinking the second company would win a contract and I'd be called back. I was called back for 2 weeks in October and for one day in February. But things look bad now.

Time to call a temporary agency. And hope.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Today is the Day

New President Day.
Well, I tell myself that he's just a man, and not a super-being, but gee I'm proud. With the possible exception of the Saddleback conservatives, he's never met a crowd he couldn't sway.

I appreciate Mr. Obama, Mr. 44, Barack Black Eagle, the One, all the myriad names he's been called. And for the first time in my life I contributed to a campaign, I still don't believe I'm actually going to sit through an Inauguration, but I am. And I will treasure the moment. For once we will be together.

People are coming to Washington from all over the country. The smile doesn't want to leave my face. What a time to be a proud American.

I just hope people realize that he is a catalyst for our own actions. He cannot effect change alone. But I have hope that any decisions that he makes will be done with careful reasoning. he's called a pragmatist and an empiricist, I hope all of that is true.

Most of all I hope his honeymoon with the American People is long and that they don't start building a scaffold for him after his first mistake. All my hopes for my country. Amen.