Sunday, August 24, 2008

Californication - OMG

Well I could say that I've seen everything, but that would not be true. If the word prude had a picture under the definition, it would be mine. I admit it. There are plenty of things I would not see, read and most importantly do. Most of those are done with great regularity on the show Californication. At least I assume those are simulated depictions of sex acts.

Why did this show receive a golden globe? Well for one thing once you get past the shock value of the seemingly raw sex, there is a morality tale. Ok so its like a really rauchy soap opera, but perhaps that is what a morality tale needs to be these days. It's an interesting story.

There's a guy Hank Moody who has a heart, in the sense that he is a good man deep inside. His outside persona is that of a creep who uses and discards women because the one he loves got tired of him taking her for granted and tried to move on with her life. That this didn't quite happen is the gist of the tale.
Hank says he loves women. He loves to have carnal knowledge of the women silly enough to allow it. One of the funnier episodes, and that does not happen often, deals with the aftermath of a tryst with a actual sex-worker who has a violent pimp. Oh that was as a result of Hank's reaction the death of his father, the womanizer. Yet he cannot or does not see that he does the same thing.

Maybe Californication is called a comedy because of the absurd things that happen, like the fight over the last box of tampons in a convenience store on the way to the wedding. Don't ask.

Luck would have it that I've seen enough horror movies not to be easily grossed out by the sight of people vomiting on gross art. Seen enough silly capers to suspend disbelief at dog napping and theft. To say that the "hero" is amoral is going too far. He has morals, I think. Perhaps he disapproves of plagiarism but that seems relative. Everything seems relative with him.

He cannot seem to get his life together. And I don't know why I care, but I do.